Mommy on 02/20/2010

Today is just another day without you! I can't believe it has almost been a year since you have been gone. I guess I have been in a daze and denial since that terrible March 14th day. I have felt you at times around me more than ever but then days I feel so alone without you. Not getting a message or anything has been such a slap of reality that I will never get any phone calls or texts from you again. It is almost time for your nephew to arrive, I know that you are looking over all of us and I know that he is so special to have a Guardian Angel like you looking out for him. But not a day goes by that I don't think of something you said or did and all those memories that we made together just you and I and also all those family memories we all had. We had so many good times, I hope you can look down and realize how special you were to so many people. Folks dream of leaving such an impact when they are gone like you did. You accomplised that!!! I love and miss you forever.