dear brittney

Created by sierra 15 years ago
Dear Brittney, You have no idea how much i miss you. It feels so weird without you. I'm so use to talking to you every other night on the phone about any and where the only person who understood me. You never judged me even if you knew it was wrong. I remember the first time i met you, our freshman year, you came up to me and started talking to me although i was shy, i kind of opened up to you. After that we were inseperable! I remember those nights when we had drama practice, we would lie to the teacher and tell her we had to leave early and we'd go riding out in the country, those were such fun nights! I just loved coming to school everyday seeing you, when i was having a bad day you would find a way to make me laugh. Oh and i'm so glad i listened to you about not quitting school, i was so ready to give up in life but you stuck by my side and made me realize how stupid that would have been to just give up. After we graduated we kind of went our seperate ways but that didnt stop us from hanging out (tequila joe's)!Those where all fun nights. I just miss all those times when we would stay up and talk on the phone for hours at a time. I remember when you called me in the middle of the night just to tell me to get on the computer to read your profile, and i must say that that was the funniest thing that i have ever read! you where always so blunt and very outspoken about everything, i just loved that!=) There was never a day that you didnt tell me that you loved me, and i knew you meant it.The hardest day of my life was when i got the phone call that you had died, i thought it was just a joke, but i knew it wasn't. Your funeral was beautiful but sad because it hurt me so much to see you just lay there lifeless. I still wish that this was all a bad dream. You have know idea how empty i feel now that your gone, it feels like someone just took a knife and cut a part of my heart out, and there is not a day that goes by that i dont think about you! You know its kind of crazy, but i go visit your grave every single day, and i just still cant make myself belive that your gone, i just dont really want to except it, and i probably won't ever. I just want you to know that i will never stop loving you or will i ever forget about you. You where my sister and my bestfriend and none of that will ever change. I love you sooooo much and i miss you bunches. May you rest in peace baby girl<3