From Mommy on 12/15/2010

Today is the one year anniversary of the day that Chace joined you in heaven. Each day is harder and harder to cope with the loss of losing you and him both. I hope that the two of you are hanging out with each other and watching over all of us. All of these milestone days bring back so many memories of the two of you. You both had so much in common and your personalities were so much alike. Makes me wonder if God needed your outgoing spirits and personalities for something in His plan. I guess we will never know, but it sure would be nice to find out just what that plan was. You were both so special in so many ways. Thought about you today when I heard the song, "If it makes you Happy- It can't be that bad". So glad that is how you lived your life and after thinking about it Chace lived his the same way. I love and miss you both in different ways but the same! Just keep hanging on to each other and I can't wait until the day that we can all be together. I love you baby girl.........