Mommy on 05/31/2010

Thanksgiving 2008 you told me that you couldn't believe that Alisa was soon to be a Senior. You cried as you told me that she was growing up too fast and time was flying by. You said that it seems sometimes you couldn't remember what it was like when we lived in Bradford and you were younger and you just wanted to remember Alisa as a little girl. You always had Alisa's back!!! And now she has graduated. I know you would have loved to be there with us and I know you were in a different way. We missed you there and miss you daily. Be proud she made it through a very rough year. You can also be proud that you were there to push her during her Senior year as her Guardian Angel. Also be proud that you have never left her side from the time she was born.... just like you promised. I think about some of the conversations we had about things and wonder if you knew your time here would be short. I guess I will always wonder!! Know that everyday you are missed and the love we feel for you now is just as strong as it was before you left this crazy world. I love you baby girl!!!