Delissia 19th October 2010

Five more days until your birthday. You would have been 22 and man would we have had a great time celebrating. I miss you so much. I know this week is not going to be a good week just thinking of Birthday's past! I love you with my heart and soul. I can't believe that you are really gone. Someday I know we will be together again but until then the only way I can honor your birthday is to make sure your stone looks beautiful and keep the flowers out there looking good. This year Me, Alisa, and Chelsea are gonna get tattoos in your honor. All alike just probably not in the same place. I am thinking about the top of my foot (oh shit)! I know it will hurt really I really haven't made my mind up completely on that. Maybe on my back at my waist line. I don't want a tramp stamp (lol).... Megan told me that is what they are called now like you had on your lower back. I have too much fat for that! I wish you were here and we would all 4 go get matching ones just for the hell of it. Love you so much and will never stop missing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!