Delissia 5th August 2009

Hey Baby Girl! Today is the 5th of August, almost 5 months since your death. I am still missing you today. Not a day goes by that I don't stop and take time out to look at your pictures and see your beautiful eyes and that gorgeous smile. You were always so stunning even when you weren't trying. Your personality and humor was so uplifting. I miss you bringing me up when I was down. You are always on my mind and I will love and miss you for the rest of my time here on earth. Believe me when I say that I am just not the same without you. You are still in my heart and will forever be. But I want you in my arms instead. I know everyone says that there is a reason for everything and that God doesn't make mistakes. I guess I will never understand the reason behind your death because to me it seems like it was a mistake. If I could only change things. If I could only take your place. If I could only have one more day to be with you. I know that wouldn't even be enough but I just want to hold you and tell you everything is going to be alright. Alisa and I have so many things to tell you. I know that you are looking down and watching over us and you know what is going on. This time in our lives, we need you to share this time with us. Your sister is going to have a baby. She is due March 22nd, only 8 days from the anniversary of your death. This time will be so bitter sweet because I will be saddened by the anniversary of your death and overwhelmed at the birth of my grandchild. Please continue to watch over us and help your sister along. I love you and miss you with my whole heart. I will see you again, but until then-- See you later.