From Alisa on 3/19/2009

On the night of March 14, 2009 a terrible accident took the life of my big sister Brittney. She was instantly killed while crossing the four lane in Bradford TN. Despite what you have heard she was NOT texting while she was driving. Unless you know the whole story please keep it to yourself. She was an amazing beautiful young lady. She was 20 years young. Too young to lose her life. But as Brother Steve said she lived her life as an exclamation point. Not a period or a question mark. She was a remarkable young lady. She deserved the best and she got it. She is STILL my best friend and her death was a tragedy to all of the ones who knew her. She made a huge impact on everyone's life. If you knew her then you were very lucky. If you didn’t I’m sorry to say you missed out on so much. Where ever she went was like a party with legs. NO matter what mood you were in if you came in contact with her you'd leave smiling from ear to ear. As her sister and best friend i know harder days are to come. She taught me everything i know. And i am still learning. She may not be here physically but she is here spiritually and i will always go to her when i need someone to talk to like i did before. She will always be in my heart and when i pass i know that i will be with her again. Her death was a complete and total eye opener for alot of people. Not only have i been terrified to drive but when i do i pay more attention to my surroundings. Now in words of Brittney "i am the type of girl who slows down at green lights just to be sure." To Brittney: Not a day goes by i dont think of you. I will continue to talk to you like i have been. People may think that its gonna make it harder on me to talk to you but it actually helps me. Although you are not here, your spirit will live on through the hearts of the ones that loved you. I will do what you always told me to do. Live my life the way I choose not what everyone else wants me to do. And i will now walk to the beat of my own drum just like you. You still and always will be MY LITTLE CHICKEN POT PIE! I love you so much. R.I.P Baby Girl.